We’ve just been busy busy busy! Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten Blacktelephone!

I just want to let our readers know that we will be posting at as soon as we can. Please stay tuned!

David Mascarina
BT Blogger :-)

That Plugin Made my Site [Invalid]

So, as I am developing this blog, I spent most of my time making sure that the website passes all validation that I know. I ran the CSS, XHTML and 508 Validation using Chris Pederick’s Firefox toolbar, even used the Web Accessibility toolbar’s WAVE tool, to make sure that when we launch this site that it passes all standards known. Then I came across Feedburner’s e-mail signup plugin. Continue reading “That Plugin Made my Site [Invalid]”

Workarounds Cost Arounds: Browser Edition

Man pulling his hair screaming IEEEEE!Web designers around the world have two biggest challenge in their projects. To make their websites look right on Internet Explorer 6 and for those who cares, to pass HTML/XHTML validation and adhere to web standards. Somewhere in the world at this very second, some web designer in their little cube is screaming “IEEEEEE!!!” It’s a universal call out for disdain. A recent article from Yahoo! Internet News, web developers and designers spends countless hours debugging websites to adhere to web standards as well as make it “look good” in I.E. 6. Continue reading “Workarounds Cost Arounds: Browser Edition”